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It’s difficult to say goodbye! (1997)

When Davor came home, Òåà asked him if he knew the time. During supper she wondered why he was so late.

He answered he had to stay at work because there was an important meeting which he couldn’t leave (so banal, he could have thought about more reasonable excuses, for instance, he could have said about pulling his grandmother out of drainage! :)). Tea told him his mother had called, Davor became nervous as relations between his mother and Tea were not very good. Òåà asked the mother-in-law to come to Zagreb and visit them. When Davor’s mother asked why they still didn’t have children after four years in marriage, Tea didn’t answer and Davor said they had to buy an apartment first.

He is reading a newspaper, and Tea decided to continue their conversation about children. She told him she stopped drinking contraceptive pills. He is VERY angry telling her she can’t decide that alone (as if it was his task to carry a baby during 9 months! :)). In her turn Tea asks if Davor wants to have children from HER. "Yes, but not now" – says her husband.

Òåà is taking different things out of the cupboard. The husband begins nagging that his firm doesn’t want to give them credit for buying an apartment. Davor accuses his wife of this, because she is a mischievous person who wrote a provocative article about bad situation in kindergartens, and his boss didn’t like that. Òåà begins telling him those things are not as before. She remembers her talk with her best friend Ena, when they were discussing problems with marriage. Again he was angry and interdicted her to discuss their personal problems with anybody. She told him Eva had given him a very valuable piece of advice – to live according to her heart, and it tells her they HAVE to have a baby. They are drinking coffee. She says a neighbor visited them... Òåà is able to see the future at the bottom of the cup of coffee. (In Croatia coffee is prepared without filter. You put water on fire, when the water is boiling, you put coffee in the water – and wait while coffee scum begins to rise, then take coffee off the fire – it’s ready!(Well, not only in Croatia coffee is made in such a way. :).) When people drink coffee, they turn the cup upside-down, coffee ground slides down along the walls, depicting figures, and you can see the future because all figures mean something.(And if you drink VERY much coffee, you’ll see not only different figures... :)) Òåà stopped drinking coffee and began dreaming and speaking... Inside the cup she saw a road, an arterial road, Davor is going along that road, but it is a wrong way! In the end he breakes a road obstacle and begins worrying about that. Besides, she saw Dabor with another man (it’s interesting what was there in her coffee if after drinking it she had such visions :)).

They are near the window... She tells him he has changed a lot, to her mind, he has become another man. And Òåà, trying to explain it to him, shows him their old videotape recorder.

Òåà asks him to go out with her just to relax, to the cinema, for example... He refuses, saying he is tired, besides, he has enough of the theatre at home... Òåà says: "Then I will go alone!" He is angry again (as always – perhaps his work is too nervous :)), but Òåà says: "ÎÊ, I’ll go with Ena". This idea wasn’t approved by Davor either. He doesn’t like that Tea and Ena are discussing their personal problems with marriage. Then he says: "I guess we have to divorce". (And this is only after asking him to go to the cinema, and what would he have done if she had asked him to wash the dishes when he was so tired...:)). She wants to know who is that another woman in his life. He says: "But there is no other woman"!

They are discussing how to divorce, who will stay in the apartment, how to divide their belongings. Davor says it’s not the right moment to tell his mother about it as he has to tell her about it himself.

They are near the piano. Òåà asks again: "And still, who is this mean woman?" He doesn’t agree he has another woman but in the end confesses: "It’s Ena!" (anybody had doubts? :)) . Òåà is furious (hm, clear :)). She tells him: "I don’t want even to be in one apartment with you tonight!"

At the same time when Òåà is making painting for fighting (putting make-up), she is telling Davor where socks, sweaters etc. are. She is telling him Ena can’t cook, iron and clean up in the apartment, so, they have to hire somebody for that, or their love will soon be over...

Òåà is on the couch telling him, what Ena told her about their relations. He is shocked... Òåà says: "You disappointed me. 2 months ago you promised Ena to tell me about you and her, and how you wanted to end our relations. I was waiting and waiting, but you were a coward, and I decided to end our relations!" (that’s it – friendship of a woman :)) Here he lost his head and began: "How could you have thought about her decision for so long, let’s talk about it seriously...".

Last Òåà’s words: "Your belongings are already packed (rabble :))!"

Summary - Dzuka

Translation from russian on english [great thanks] - Val

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