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Spoilers: эпизод 13.20 "Lights Out"
Дата выхода: 26 апреля 2007 года.

alaeangelorum www.tv.com

Casualty from a Star Trek convention comes in, and Morris, Abby and Gates take the case. He has a dislocated shoulder. Morris wants the patient to be sedated for the shoulder reduction; Gates thinks they should just carry on without the sedation. Luka comes in, saying to Morris that they're busy outside, so Morris leaves, only to return to find Gates putting the shoulder back in without the patient under sedation. He asks who made that decision (ie Abby or Gates), and it was Gates who decided. Morris is not happy. Gates suggests Morris just take the credit for what Gates did, but Morris instead says he will 'write up' Gates and sends him home. At another point, Morris is berating Gates for his attitude - that he seems to think he is too good to get advice or help from other doctors. Gates asks where Luka is, but Morris points out that this is not Luka`s call but Morris`. Apparently Pratt already sent him home once. Gates later is talking to Neela, saying that Morris wouldn't have the guts to put a letter in his file. She tells him to apologise to Morris, and then has to go because Crenshaw has been repeatedly paging her.

Diana the photographer (Sam's friend) is back, as a patient, but she appears to have left her bed. Later it seems Sam has arranged for her to go to Costa Rica, where her family lived briefly. She met a BBC journalist there, who she fell in love with, but he died in Baghdad. Luka talks to Diana however - he tells her she won't be able to take a plane. They can send her home, have her get pain medication, but she can't fly.

Chaz has been brought in - it's not clear what happened. Later Pratt jokes with him that if he's admitted to the hospital he can't be an EMT.

The hospital seems busy - they have to put a toddler with pertussis in with post-operative patients in one of the wards. Luka is treating a homeless guy, who doesn't want to be sent out into the rain again. Luka says they can get him a taxi to a shelter, but that's all.

Ray is treating Demitri, a violinist who comes in with his friend Todd. They are both 14. Demitri had some inexplicable back pain and passed out; now his sats are very low. His blood pH is also low. Todd promises that he and Demitri haven't taken anything - they have been rehearsing all day. His right lung looks very bad on X-ray. Crenshaw and Neela come to assess - he has a pulmonary haemorrhage. Todd runs away, but Ray catches him. Apparently Todd wanted a violin solo over Demitri, so he prayed that he would die, and tried hexing him. Todd is upset. Later Ray reassures Todd that he didn't hurt Demitri - Demitri has a disease which caused his haemorrhage. Ray also tells Todd that this doesn't mean that what he tried to do was OK - and says that if he is committed and is patient enough, he might one day get that solo.

Ray has a patient called Cindy who thought that aliens had planted a chip inside his leg and was trying to remove it. Ray wants a psych consult - Katey is already down in the ER (presumably on her psych rotation). Ray and Katey are "awkward".

Morris is asking Luka about some dinner/formal type thing and how this can be afforded. Morris asks if the funds are coming from a pharmaceutical company. Luka also tells Morris to tell Chuny to close the trauma rooms (but I don't think that's related).

Montage over violin music (played by Todd) at the end.

Daisy http://p072.ezboard.com/AEB/baeb

There's not really much else to say darlings. Gates is such a bad boy, and not in the good way. Morris orders him to give the drug and wait til he gets back so Morris can work on the patient and when he gets back, Gates is positively smug about not following orders on purpose. I tell you, Dr. Dave was an angel compared to this devil.

But there's are so few scenes to spoil, this just might be one of their special road show episodes set someplace else with just glimpses back at County. Don't ask me who might be a travellin' because all of the main cast people are on duty at the ER.

Cinefaythe http://p089.ezboard.com/The-ER-Exchange/btheerexchange

Yes, it does seem interesting. Luckily, there is a bit more information today on “Lights Out”--the ER will indeed be closing.

There is no indication why, though it does not sound permanent. There is a crowd in the waiting area that is upset that they won’t be treated. Sam explains they cannot get to everyone before the ER closes; Morris gives them lists of clinics they can visit instead. One woman says her yeast infection cannot wait until “next week” but there is no indication where she got that timeframe because when asked directly how long the ER will be closed, Morris says plainly “we don’t know.”

Paramedics arrive with Pratt's brother Chaz, who is very drunk. When Morris and Luka realize who he is, they agree to take him although the ER is closed.

There is a sad moment from the middle of the episode when Luka speaks to a frightened Diana, the photographer with cancer. She tells him that she just wants to go to sleep and not wake up, but he warns her it might not work that way and that her disease will make fluid build up in her body and compress her lungs. She says she already feels like she is drowning. A bit later Luka tells Sam there is a bed for Diana upstairs, but that’s when Sam says Diana is going home.

21.02.2007 Stormwatcher77 http://p089.ezboard.com/The-ER-Exchange/btheerexchange

The information is quite limited. It is another busy day in the ER and half way through, Luka has Chuny close the ER to trauma. In addition to the below, the episode seems to focus on how busy everyone is with the overload of patients, including the nurses.

Miles, dressed as a Klingon, was hit by a baseball bat swung by a Romulan at a Trekker convention. Morris, Abby and Gates treat him. Morris orders a drug to knock the patient out while they reset his dislocated shoulder. While Morris is away, Gates does it without sedation and that makes Morris quite upset. Morris orders Gates home, saying he will write a letter for Gates’ file.

Sam’s former patient, Diane, who has cancer, has returned to the ER. She is in for treatment in order to make a plane to Costa Rica, where she spent time as a teenager. She also met a BBC reporter there, fell in love, but the reporter was killed by an IED in Baghdad, and Diane wishes that she had born his child. Luka tells Diane she is not well enough to take her flight and counsels that she should take hospice care. At the end of the episode, see her and Sam talking in Diane’s apartment.

Cindy has cut her leg to remove an alien tracking chip. She has to make a report, she says, to the aliens, and is willing to do so, but doesn’t want them tracking her. Ray treats her and calls for a psych consult. Ray is surprised, and perhaps chagrined, when it is Katey who shows up for the consult.

Pratt and Ray handle a young violinist who fell ill after a day long rehearsal. The boy’s friend, Todd, worries that it was the curse he put on Demitri, hoping that he would become first violinist instead. Turns out Demitri is very sick from a illness, perhaps pneumonia. It is Ray who is able to get Todd to admit everything. Later, Ray returns Todd’s violin to him and reassures Todd that it was not the curse. Todd asks about jealousy, and Ray tells him that things can change so that everyone gets what they deserve. So, Ray says, Todd should be committed, and he might earn a violin solo, good grades or the girl. At the end of the episode, Todd plays his violin over a montage of scenes.

Chaz, Pratt’s half brother, is admitted for observation, seeming injured in his EMT training. Pratt sits with him at the end of the episode.

Meanwhile, Neela finds Gates in the lockers and notes that he had not called her back. It seems that she wanted to talk to him about something, but she declines to elaborate in light of the news. That is, Gates tells her of the altercation with Morris, and it seems Neela insists Gates apologize to Morris. And Neela is in some hot water with Crenshaw for not answering her own pager.

And meanwhile at home, Gates seems to suspect that Mike, his father, is drinking. It appears they end up fighting at the end of the episode.

And Luka is planning some sort of formal dinner and people are asking about it. Morris and Ray fear that Luka made arrangements with a pharmaceutical company to fund it.


03/18 - Episode 13.20 - Lights Out: Chaz is at the hospital as a patient. Pratt is not happy at all. A homeless man asks Kovac not to discharge him as it is supposed to rain all night. Ray treats a violinist. Abby and Gates treat a man with a dislocated shoulder. There is some sort of formal dinner set to happen at the hospital. Gates complains about Morris to Neela. The episode ends with a montage of various scenes of the characters at night. Mike, Marquez, Malik, Sam and Crenshaw also appear.


ER --(10:01PM-11:00PM) --(TV-14)

"Lights Out"

TIME CRUNCH - STACY KEACH ("PRISON BREAK") AND ANNABELLA SCIORRA ("LAW & ORDER: CRIMINAL INTENT") GUEST STAR-- A busy ER is putting the pressure on Kovac (Goran Visjnic) to take care of the overflow of cases prior to being shut down for renovations. A lonely Sam (Linda Cardellini) befriends a terminally ill photojournalist (guest star Annabella Sciorra) with a negative outlook. Pratt (Mekhi Phifer) gets a scare when his brother unexpectedly shows up in the ER. Meanwhile, the tension between Gates (John Stamos) and his father (guest star Stacy Keach) hits an ultimate boiling point. Maura Tierney, Shane West, Scott Grimes and Parminder Nagra also star.

TV Guide

While Kovac is under pressure to clear out overflow patients before County shuts down for renovations, tensions flare between Gates and his father (Stacy Keach). Meanwhile, Pratt is unnerved when his brother shows up in the ER without warning; and Sam bonds with a terminally ill photojournalist (Annabella Sciorra).

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