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Spoilers: эпизод 13.09 "Scoop and Run"
Дата выхода: 23 ноября 2006 года.

DeeDee http://www.erforums.com/forum

Director: Stephen Cragg
Work dates: 10/11 - 10/25
SuperAbby episode. She's working on a helicopter medivac. There's a huge bus accident, lots of serious injuries, etc. Of course the team doubts her at first, and of course she "wins their respect" eventually.
СуперЭбби эпизод. Она работает с медиками на вертолете. Большой несчастный случай с автобусом, много серьезных повреждений и т.д. Конечно, команад сомневается сначала относительно ее способностей, и, конечно, она "получает уважение" в конце концов.

This is the Thanksgiving episode, by the way.
Эпизод Благодарения.

Miscellaneous thread: Alex makes friends with a girl who's unhappy with her foster family.
Разное. Алекс подружился с девочкой, которая несчастлива в приемной семье.

Daisy http://p086.ezboard.com/baeb

Oh, my darlings, I for see trouble for cute baby Joe!
Ох, мои дорогие ,я вижу неприятности для симпатичного ребенка Джо.

Evil man Ames chopped of the head of his toy frog!
Ужасный мужчина Амэс расколол голову лягушки - его игрушку.

So awful!
Так ужасно!

Luka talks to the cops.
Лука разговаривает с копами.

He says evil man Ames has been following Abby and baby Joe.
Он говорит, что ужасный мужчина Амэс преследовал Эбби и ребенка Джо.

But the cops don't believe Luka.
Но копы не верят Луке.

They think evil man Ames' too busy trying to survive, he doesn't have time to stalker baby Joe and his parents.
Они думают, что ужасный мужчина Амэс слишком занят своим выживанием и у него нет времени выслеживать ребенка Джо и его родителей.

Evil man Ames tells the cops he did nothing!
Ужасный мужчина Амэс говорит копам, что ничего не делал!

He's evil, kids!
Он ужасен, дети!

It's Thanksgiving, kids!
Это День Благодарения, дети!

The gang discusses how to cook the turkey.
"Банда" (штат) обсуждают, как готовить индюшку.

Luka and Abby have a lot to thanks and their own turneky, but Abby settles the rules for the big bird, too!!
Лука и Эбби

Gates preffers to barbecue.

Sam's mom uses Crisco.

Kids brace yourselves for Super Abby saving the day.

She's on a chopper ride to rescue a an old lady who had this serious heart attack.

The helicopter guys are mean to Abby.

They are nasty to Abby, very nasty.

Where's adorable Chucky when you need him?

Abby thinks they shouldn't transfer the old lady, but give her the chance to die with some measure of dignity.

She talks to the woman's family, but they want her to live, they want her to go to a better place, and that's our County General!

Turns out that the poor lady dies during the trip.

So sad, kids.

Theyre on their way back to County and the boys are still being mean to Abby.

Theyre called to help, a bus' this close to fall into a cliff.


The helicopter crew tells Abby their pilot's tired, he has been flying for almost 12 hours!

Sounds like a very exausting job! But our Abby knows better, she takes the radio and tell the powers that be that she's going to take care of it.

Guess what, darlings?

The helicopter can't land, so Abby's lowered on the ground, just like Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible!

Then, Abby saves the day entering the bus this close to fall and crash down down down to help a mother who's trapped under some seats.

The guys in charge don't want her to do that, but they don't know the doctors at County General, do they kids?

We all know our beloved docs always do the wrong things, but it always ends well.

Aw, cute, Alex finds a friend!

He's in the hospital volunteering, and this lovely kid his age comes to County.

She's sick, the poor thing!

Alex complain about Sam and says she never leaves him alone.

But his new friend help puts things in perspective when she tells him her foster mommy's an evil woman.

Evil foster mommy only wants the foster money and sent poor child alone to the hospital!

Why do they do it?

Why do they keep hurting the kids?

Gates' really interested in our Neela, darlings!

But he's a man, therefore he's a dog.

You want to know what Gates tells Neela?

Bad Gates says that he's alone at home, because Meg and Sarah left town for Thanksgiving.

Gates also tells Neela he's not sleeping with Meg anymore.

It was only physical, you know?

But it's over.

Gates is a real dog, kids.

Run, Neela, run! He's going to bit you and hurt you!
Бегите ,Нила, бегите!


Kerry's working because Henry's with the Lopez in Florida.
Керри работает, потому что Генри с Лопез во Флориде.

Isn't it great?

Everything's fine between Kerry and Sandy's family.
Все прекрасно между Керри и семьей Сэнди.

Who's the sweetheart who loves Ray?

I have a secret for you.

He's not a rebel.

He's just the product of a divorce.

His mommy's doing Caribe with her new boyfriend, and his daddy hates the turkey.

Poor Ray. Work's his Thanksgiving friend.

Pratt's covering for Morris.

Morris' with his kids.


Crenshaw calls Ray a silly infant when our rock doc picks up his crush on Jane.

Mean Crenshaw thinks Jane's a nurse.

That's because Lulu, the adorable ten years old who bonds with Alex, throw up on her.

The only scrubs availabe were peach ones from NICU.

Pratt doesn't tell Crenshaw that Jane isn't a nurse, and Ray doesn't correct him, either.

Oh, remember I told you that Gates tells Neela the house's empty, Sarah and Meg left?

Gates invites her for dinner.

They're in the elevator waiting for the chopper with Melanie, the poor woman who was trapped in the bus.

Guess what, kids!

Gates kisses Neela.

Slow, hard and sexy.

Such a dog!

But Neela doesn't complain.

She just blushes, like a proper lady does.

Ray's still seeing Kate.

Remember her? Cute, sexy thing?

It's going somewhere kids, because she's baking Thanksgiving food for him.

Three ladies are in ER after a huge fight at a Bloomingdale's midnight sale.

Pratt, Crenshaw and Jane treat them.

When Jane starts ranting about the comercialism of holiday season, credit cards and overpriced vessels, what can I say, sweetheartns, it turns Crenshaw on.

Lulu's adorable.

She's thinks Thanksgiving's crap because the Indians were too busy dying from measles brought over by the pilgrims to have a feast.

Alex's impressed, he didn't know about that.

Alex's giving Thanksgiving cookies to the patients.

He himself can't have one, poor Alex.

Alex gives a cookie to Lulu and Sam reminds him that he needs to ask the patient's doctor if that's ok.

Alex and Lulu bond.

He goes with her when she needs to get a CT scan.

Oh, tweeny love.

Oh, Ray.

Oh, Sam.

They don't get Thanksgiving.

Ray thinks it's dumb.

Sam says Thanksgiving was over for her when they swapped the Twilight Zone marathon for Star Trek.

Sam's looking for Alex, who disappeared.

She says teenagers are such idiots.

This Daisy says she should look for Lulu and this Daisy says Sam shouldn't be so hard on teenagers.

The mommy trapped under the seats of the bus is called Melanie and her son's name is Milo.

Cinefaythe http://p089.ezboard.com/btheerexchange

We learn right away it is Thanksgiving, and Gates, Abby and Sam are talking about turkey-cooking traditions as they work on a patient. Sam’s mom tossed the turkey in a trashbag with a can of Crisco, she says, but Abby’s “all about brining.” When Luka steps in, she asks if he took the giblets out of the marinade. “Take the what out of what?”

Pratt’s working instead of Morris, who’s seeing “his kids.” Kerry’s on also, since Henry is with his grandparents. Jane is there also. Neela, too. Also Ray.

A police officer went to see Curtis Ames and reports back to Luka. Luka wants to know if Ames knows anything about what seems to be a missing toy of Joe’s. He also wants to know if he admitted following Abby and Joe in the park. Hollis says Ames didn’t know what he was talking about, and that Ames has it rough and seems too busy just trying to get by to be bothering anyone. Luka is skeptical.

There’s a call for a doctor to accompany a helicopter transport of an MI, and Abby goes. Her helicopter adventure takes up most of the middle Acts. Among the crew is Don Wright, who is “old school” and is not enthusiastic about a woman riding along. Abby doesn’t take to him either.

They go to a community hospital to pick up an elderly woman who cooked a 50-lb turkey for her family but had a heart attack after she carved it. The family wants her transported to County, but she is unstable. Abby doesn’t want to transport her and prefers she be allowed to die in the small hospital surrounded by family. Abby’s helicopter companions just want to “scoop and run.”

Up in the helicopter, Wright pulls out a sandwich, and Abby balks. Wright says he feels sorry for Abby’s “old man,” but covers by saying it is because he is not getting a home-cooked meal. Abby’s finds choice words for Wright just as the patient crashes. She dies.

The crew is not inclined to respond to a call for a vehicle accident since they have been flying near their maximum time. Abby tells the dispatcher they will accept the call despite the wishes of the crew.

The vehicle accident turns out to be a horrific bus accident where the bus dangles precariously in a ravine. Abby and the crew must be lowered on hoists to the scene. The crash site is chaos, with people breaking glass to jump out of bus windows and bodies strewn around. Abby treats a guy with an arterial bleed and a young man whose leg is mangled. He and his girlfriend were traveling to his parents to announce their engagement.

Still on the bus is 8-year-old Milo. His mother is trapped, and Abby lowers herself through a window to find his mother pinned and bleeding. It looks hopeless for the mom, and she and Abby know it is just best to get the boy off the bus. Abby scoops him up, telling him people will be there to help his mom.

Outside, the bus lurches and creaks. Abby gives the boy a flashlight, puts her iPod over his ears, and tells him to light the scene as she treats people. Through Milo’s POV, we see Abby treat a number of patients.

Rescuers decide it is too dangerous to go on the bus and retrieve Milo’s mother. Milo overhears, and Abby has to stop him from running in the bus himself. He collapses against her, and Abby decides to go in. As the bus begins to slip, Wright joins her with equipment to free the mom. They get her out, and Abby and Wright have just enough time to jump to safety before the bus slips to the bottom and explodes. At the hospital, Wright and Abby are still sniping, but with a new-found respect for each other.

Alex appears to volunteering at the hospital and is giving out cookies to patients—not too enthusiastically it seems. At one point, Luka is distracted by the sight of Alex handing out the cookies.

Alex meets 10-year-old precocious Lulu. Lulu is being treated by Gates and Neela. Lulu asks Alex for a cookie, though she is not supposed to be eating. Sam notices and chides Alex for not asking a doctor first. When Lulu needs a CT, she asks Alex to go with her. Sam calls Alex to keep tabs on him, and Lulu says he is lucky because she lives with a foster family that does not care about her. Later, Sam cannot seem to find Alex and sets out looking for him.

Gates and Neela flirt throughout the episode. Gates tells Neela that Meg and Sarah will not be home that night and that he has the house to himself. He wants her to join him for Thanksgiving. Gates says it’s over between him and Meg even though Neela says she thought he and Meg were “not together.” They steam up the elevator with some passionate kissing as they head toward the roof to meet Abby and the helicopter.

Ray (with Malik) treats an elderly man who fell during his Thanksgiving tradition of taking his wife on a tandem-bicycle ride—only the gentleman is blind. Then Ray and Sam treat a woman whose mother’s amazing stuffing gives her migraines but she eats it anyway. Ray and Sam share a little “bah humbug” about Thanksgiving traditions.

Ray left his cell phone with Katey, the surgical med student from a couple of episodes ago. He leaves her a message to call him so he can retrieve it.

Jane, Pratt and Sam treat three women fighting over a handbag sale at a department store. It left one of them impaled by a fiberglass holiday decoration. Crenshaw is called in for a surgical consult, and he is attracted to Jane.

Whew! Lots going on—and believe it or not, all but a tiny fraction of the action I described takes place before the end of Act III--so the last Act of the show is not even represented in what we have!

alaeangelorum TV.com ER Forum

It's Thanksgiving. Much mentioning of working on Thanksgiving (Ray says he likes doing this, his mother's in Trinidad with her new boyfriend), how strange people are who eat salad on Thanksgiving, Abby and Luka appear to be making some kind of meal for Thanksgiving... etc, etc.

The episode seems to revolve around Abby helping on the helicopter. One of the other members of the team describes there job as a 'scoop and run', hence the title. She's initially called to an MI, but then this seems to develop into more casualties. She doesn't initially get on with the rest of the team (I *think* they are joking about her relationship with Luka but I'm not sure - at one point they're listening in on her talking to him on the radio.) The woman with the MI is with all her family, Abby thinks she's not going to make it and wants the family to decide whether to take her to County or not, but Wright (one of the helicopter people) says that that's not their call, and they should take her anyway. Abby wants her to have a 'good death'; Wright says there is no such thing. She's OK, then she deteriorates, they try to save her but can't. They're then called to a bus hanging over a ravine. Abby has to be lowered down to it, there are various patients which I am not thorough enough to read about, and the bus explodes (can you tell it's a sweeps episode??). Abby ends up getting on better with the other crew.

Gates tells Neela that Meg and Sarah are out of town so he has his place to himself. Neela wonders why Gates is telling her this, and flirtily tells him she's had enough 'harassment'. Later they're kissing in the elevator on the way up to meet the helicopter.

There are more mentions of Katey and Ray.

Jane is in this.

Alex meets a girl called Lulu. Aw, he likes her. She lives with a foster mom who she says just does it for the money she gets. Lulu's ill but the mom's not coming in.

Luka's talking to Officer Hollis about Ames. Luka thinks he's 'messing' with his family - it appears he did follow them to the park, and the package (ETA - apparently it's Joe's favourite toy, a frog [hey, glass frog reference!] which had gone missing in 13.7 but returned in the mystery package - thanks to sunnyoctoberus @ AEB) was from him. However, Hollis just thinks he's had a hard time and it sounds as if Luka is being paranoid. Not sure though.

sunnyoctoberus http://p086.ezboard.com/baeb

In 13.9, the staff have a Thanksgiving dinner in the lounge, including Joe.

In episode nine, Meg catches Gates and Neela in bed together.


10/23 - Episode 13.09 - Scoop and Run: This seems to be the Thanksgiving episode. Pratt bans Ray from transport saying he is wasting too much ER time. Pratt switches a shift with Morris so the latter could see his kids. Weaver drops by the ER even if she is off duty since her son is in Orlando with his grandparents. Gates and Jane argue over who will take care of a 10-year-old who has been vomiting and having abdominal pain for the last two hours. Hollis tells more about Ames to Kovac. Abby must fly in a helicopter to be brought to a community hospital. Ray and Crenshaw talk about Jane. Sam, Neela, Pickman, and Malik, also appear.


ER --(10:01PM-11:00PM) --(TV-14)

"Scoop and Run"

A HEROIC HOLIDAY -- It's Thanksgiving in the emergency room but all is far from quiet as Abby (Maura Tierney) is forced to respond to a bus crash accident on the side of a ravine. Neela (Parminder Nagra) accepts Gates' (John Stamos) invitation to go over to his house after work -- but they are quickly interrupted by an unwelcome guest. Meanwhile, Pratt (Mekhi Phifer) decides to discuss his brother with Dr. Weaver (Laura Innes). Goran Visnjic, Linda Cardellini and Shane West also star.

TV Guide

On her way home for Thanksgiving, Abby responds to a horrific bus crash by the side of a ravine; Neela and Gates spend the holiday together; Weaver develops a relationship with her producer and has a talk with Pratt about his gay brother.


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Abby: The book says three hours at 450. And don't forget to baste.
Luka: How often?
Abby (puzzled): I don't know.

(Luka scratches the back of his head as they round the corner and reach the elevator)

Abby: Q 30 minutes? I don't know, but I'll probably be home in time ot mash the potatoes.
Luka: OK. What do I do with the pumpkin?

(Off. Hollis steps into the scene)

Abby: Oh! I forgot about the pumpkin!
Hollis (a bit urgently): Dr. Kovac. (Luka looks toward him) You got a minute?
Luka (to Hollis): Yeah. Just, just a second.
Luka: (Back to Abby, as she steps into the elevator) I thought, I thought pumpkins were just for Halloween. (He begins to lean toward her.)
Abby: (Moving toward him) You know what? Screw the pie! I never really liked pumpkins anyway.

(They kiss, briefly.)

(The camera shifts to Luka, still kissing Abby. He's not at all sure about this dinner.)

Luka: Then you're sure you don't want to just order Chinese?
Abby: No, no! (As the elevator door closes) But baste! Remember to baste!